Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Another Academic Year Ahead ---- Enrollment is now going on for the school year 2006 - 2007. Classes starts June 13, 2006. To the incoming freshmen I hope you have a productive years ahead. To the graduating batch, it is high time to prove your competency in the IT business. It is also noteworthy that computers in the lab are now in their topmost serviceability. We have acquired new PCs including a top of the line Pentium 4. Major subjects have been revised to keep abreast with the fast changing IT sector. For more info, please feel free to contact Malou, our school registrar.


At 2:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

good day! ive got a lot of fun...viewing your blog....im so much thnkful for having dcsi as my new family...ive experience a lot here....nandon ung umiyak ...tumawa....o kahit anu-anong pang eemote ay nagawa ko na....ive learn to love this school because pepz here are so great..u know!...

At 10:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

to the author:
may i ask you if we could post some inspiring poems here on your site... i would love to post some...if it wont matter. or shall i say...an addt'nl column for it..im gonna look forward to this...pls.. reply

At 10:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

to the author:
may i ask you if we could post some inspiring poems here on your site... i would love to post some...if it wont matter. or shall i say...an addt'nl column for it..im gonna look forward to this...pls.. reply

At 12:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

juz wanna say thnx ..more power to ur program.....hahahahaha

At 6:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello mga Pipz,
Hay!!! Nagu-ol ko kay nawala nako sa DCSI.Kay ma miss nako ang mga people like my friend.Edna,Judith,Joyce,Charlene and all of my Clasmeyt in DCSI." Mingaw nako Redhorse".Well thanks for my teacher Sir Bong kay naay Blogger.Thank's for the staff of DCSI.

At 12:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hilom diha Bebz! imo man sad tang ibuking.....di na ko palahubog karon..noh? good gurl na ko day!

anyway thnx for missin me...missed you too lol!

At 7:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEllo everybody!!! YOu know what i miss my teacher SIr.BONG...I've learned a Lot for my teacher...Well I hope SIr BOng miss all of the batch of 2006...
Hello mga friends like Edna,Judith,Jims Lee,Charlyn,Chow2x,and most of all Kc_brix...Well ayaw kalimot sa ligo nato og dagat ha!kay B-day na ni OPaw's yaw gud mo kalimot ha!kay naa nay Lechon.hahaha!!!!
thanks for the Mr.chips and Fruitsalad my Fren Eds and Dith...Thanks God that your my Fren.Take care A lot to all the Student of DCSI....Enjoy for OUR Scol...


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