Wednesday, May 24, 2006

All things better be said...(Literally)
"Lets measure our time in terms of benefits and not of waste."

Feel free to posts poems, quotes and anything in this new blog posts. It would be much appreciated if you could leave your name.


At 8:53 PM, Blogger Bong said...

If you have some question or need assistance on computers, text or call me at +63 9178525477. Be sure to include your name so we wont have to spend another text on asking "HUs dis pls?" :-)

At 9:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

just want to ask dcsi....

bout our school hymn....tsada bya to xa.... y man na wa pa mn gi advertise..hehehehe... i mean wa lagi to xa gi promote...

i love to sing it really....lalo na nong graduation namin....

gamiton pa to xa or gone forever na...jud?

hoping for a reply

At 12:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

quotable quotes:

"The person who really gave the most help received the least appreciation"

am i right?

At 7:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

“The Greatest Pain in Life”
(by: jaydeezerofayv)

The greatest pain in life
Is not to die
But to be ignored

To lose the person you love so much
Who doesn’t care as such

When your favorite friend on earth
Neglects you when you offer her a hand

To have people think that you don’t care
To be forgotten as if you’re gone forever
To never get a call from a friend just saying “hi!”

When you show someone your innermost thoughts
And they just laugh at your face

For friends who were always
Be too busy to console you
When you need someone to to lift your sinking spirit
Or even just to talk to

Yet the greatest pain in life is….
When it seems like the only person
Who cares about you……….
Is You…..ouch!

At 4:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahai wla njud trong kron!


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